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Friday, February 1, 2008

Originally Posted on November 11, 2007

Waiting for the waiting for 'Waiting' to end!
Well it would seem I am going to have to acquire some patience for the next two weeks as unfortunately my drummer Darryl was unavailable to get in our recording space this weekend due to some large renovations going on in his home which simply could not get completed before our 'window' of recording time passed by. Two more long weeks to go now until the next chance to get some drums tracks done.

It's frustrating when all I have to show people is a demo version of 'Waiting' made of temporary fill-ins on drums, bass and lead guitars that I've put in as place holders until the rest of the band can coordinate some time together. Oh, if only people could hear the song that's burning up space inside my mind, instead of having to wait longer!

Something special is beginning here, I can feel it. In the meantime just consider this demo version of 'Waiting' to be a Back-Stage pass, offering a glimpse of what is to come.

What I have built here is a house frame, with no roof and no floor. But if you look closely and listen carefully you'll see that there is a foundation here embedded deep into the earth, waiting for a group of individuals to band together and build a monument.

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