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Friday, February 1, 2008

Welcome to the Back Stage Area

Hello World, and welcome to Back Stage With Jay V.

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jason and I am in the process of establishing a new career for myself as a musician. I write all my own original song material which I then sing as well as perform on guitar, something that I've been doing for well over a decade now.

My full name when I'm performing is Jay V. Marshall and this new Blog is your back stage pass to read about the on going journey that I have begun, as I establish myself as a new musician. Think of it as a chance to start reading the diary of your favorite rock star before they became one.

I had been using another blog previously however I've found the options and features of that website to be lacking, and so I'm starting over again here. First I'll be re-posting a couple of my key blog entries from the old site to here, so that you can get the jist of what has happened so far with my quest.

I hope that you will enjoy reading this "Diary of an undiscovered rock star" as much as I enjoy sharing my experiences with all of you.

I'm Jay V. Marshall, thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoy your Back Stage Pass.

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